
Analytics on Demand Product Certification

Improving the outcome of patient care is the first goal of all healthcare providers. With this goal in mind, Meaningful Use mandates that providers convert medical records to an electronic form that can be shared and accessed by providers as well as patients. iatricSystems (legally knows as Iatric Systems Inc) has created advanced technology certified to help healthcare providers meet requirements for Meaningful Use.

Certified EHR Vendor and Product Information



Vendor Name

Iatric Systems, Inc.

Certified EHR Name

Analytics on Demand™

Certified EHR Version


Eligible Hospital Certification Number

Eligible Hospital Certification Date

April 12, 2018

Updated: December 16, 2022

Eligible Provider Certification Number

Not certified

Eligible Provider Certification Date

Not certified

Certification Criteria

§170.315(b)(10): Electronic Health Information Export

§170.315 (c)(1): Clinical Quality Measures - Record and Export

§170.315 (c)(2): Clinical Quality Measures - Import and Calculate

§170.315 (C)(3): Clinical Quality Measures - Report

§170.315 (C)(4): Clinical Quality Measures - Filter

§170.315 (d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization

§170.315 (d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance

§170.315 (d)(3): Audit Report(s)

§170.315 (d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out

§170.315 (d)(12): Encrypt Authentication Credentials

§170.315 (d)(13): Multi-Factor Authentication

§170.315 (g)(2): Automated Measure Calculation

§170.315 (g)(4): Quality Management System

§170.315 (g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design

Additional Certification - Analytics on Demand for EH


Certified Clinical Quality Measures

§ CMS30  AMI-10 Statin Prescribed at Discharge

§ CMS 53  AMI-8A - Primary PCI Received within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival

§ CMS60  AMI-7A - Fibrinolytic Therapy Received within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival

§ CMS100  AMI-2 - Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge for AMI

§ CMS26  Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver

§ CMS188  PN-6 - Initial Antibiotic Selection for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompetent Patients 

§ CMS32  ED-3 - Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Discharged ED Patients

§ CMS55  Emergency Department (ED)-1 Emergency Department Throughput - Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Admitted ED Patients

§ CMS111  ED-2 Emergency Department Throughput - Admitted Patients - Admit Decision Time to ED Departure Time for Admitted Patients

§ CMS9  Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding

§ CMS31  EHDI-1A - Hearing Screening Prior to Hospital Discharge

§ CMS185  Healthy Term Newborn

§ CMS113  PC-01 Elective Delivery Prior to 39 Completed Weeks Gestation

§ CMS71  Stroke-3 Ischemic Stroke - Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter

§ CMS72  Stroke-5 Ischemic Stroke - Antithrombotic Therapy by End of Hospital Day Two

§ CMS91  Stroke-4 Ischemic Stroke - Thrombolytic Therapy

§ CMS102  Stroke-10 Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke - Assessed for Rehabilitation

§ CMS104  Stroke-2 Ischemic Stroke - Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy

§ CMS105  Stroke-6 Ischemic Stroke - Discharged on Statin Medication

§ CMS107  Stroke-8 Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke - Stroke Education

§ CMS171  SCIP-INF-1 Prophylactic Antibiotic Received within 1 Hour Prior to Surgical Incision

§ CMS172  SCIP-INF-2 Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients

§ CMS178  SCIP-INF-9 Urinary Catheter Removed on Postoperative Day 1 (POD1) or Postoperative Day 2 (POD2) with Day of Surgery Being Day Zero

§ CMS73  VTE-3 VTE Patients with Anticoagulation Overlap Therapy

§ CMS108  Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)-1 VTE Prophylaxis

§ CMS109  VTE-4 VTE Patients Receiving Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) with Dosages/Platelet Count Monitoring by Protocol (or Nomogram)

§ CMS110  VTE-5 VTE Discharge Instructions

§ CMS114  VTE-6 Incidence of Potentially Preventable VTE

§ CMS190  VTE-2 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) VTE Prophylaxis 

Clinical Quality Measures to which Analytics on Demand for EP has been certified

Not Certified 

Additional Software Required

If not already present and available, additional required software may include; server operating system software, server data base software, server backup software, virus protection software, digital certificate software, and HIS and/or EMR software. Please consult with Iatric Systems for the specific server hardware and software requirements for this product.

Additional Costs

Server and Storage Hardware Costs: 

This product requires server and data storage resources - please consult with Iatric Systems for the specific server hardware and software requirements for this product.

Microsoft Software Licensing Costs: 

This product requires server and storage resources, which may also require Microsoft server licenses for server operating system, server data base, etc. - please consult with Iatric Systems for the specific server hardware and software requirements for this product.

Third Party Software Licensing Costs: 

This product requires server and data storage resources, therefore other third party software and licenses may be required for digital certificates, server backup, virus protection, etc. - please consult with Iatric Systems for the specific server hardware and software requirements for this product.

Third Party Interface and/or Integration Costs:  

This product can be used to send and/or receive data to and from third party EMR, HIS, PACS, and/or other third party systems. If applicable and depending on the third vendor(s) involved, they may have pre-requisite and associated licensing, implementation, and/or support costs for their interfaces, interface software, etc. Please consult with the applicable third party vendor(s) to obtain a detailed listing of all of their associated one-time and recurring costs.

Electronic Submission Costs: 

Any fees charged to Iatric Systems, by a receiving agency for submitting measure scores, will be passed on to the customer.  Please consult with the applicable receiving agency in order to obtain a detailed listing of all associated one-time and recurring costs. Iatric Systems can also provide services to perform electronic submissions of eCQM data for an additional cost - please consult with Iatric Systems for a cost quotation.



This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.